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A Day We Will Never Forget

September 11, 2001 is a day I, along with many of my fellow Americans, will remember as long as I live.  Every year, we hear the question, “Where were you?” and I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t remember.

I was getting ready for work that morning and was watching the Today show when the first plane hit One World Trade Center, better known as the North Tower.  I remember sitting in my living room and thinking some kind of malfunction must have happened during their flight.  I was definitely shocked, but not as shocked as I would be seventeen minutes later.  As I sat transfixed to my television screen, still watching the smoke billowing from Tower 1, I stared in horror as the second plane flew right into Two World Trade Center, or the South Tower.

I think that for at least 30 seconds, the world stopped spinning.  At least my world did.  I remember that even the television anchors went deathly quiet as everyone watching was in total shock.  By this point, there was no question that this was definitely an act of terror.  I remember being very grateful that my husband was home that morning, so I didn’t have to sit in shock all alone.  I remember calling my family just to make sure they were okay.  I remember actually going to work and watching with my co-workers as the news continued to unfold.  I remember it all like it was yesterday.  But it wasn’t.  It was eleven whole years ago today.

Today actually rings truer than most, as the weather is uncharacteristically crisp with tranquil blue skies…just like it was eleven years ago.  But it’s a different day.  So much has happened since then in the world…in my world…in your world.  Life is different than it was before the attacks on September 11th, but, in many ways, it has returned to the mundane.  We go to work.  We go to school.  We go on vacation.  We, as a nation, have managed to move on, yet we will never forget.  I try to remember the good that came out of that tragic day…heros were made, Americans pulled together like never before, people got in touch with long lost friends and relatives and it made so many of us appreciate who and what we have in our lives so much more than we did before.  It just goes to show, you never know what lies ahead or what tomorrow will bring, so try to treasure the moment you’re in and the people you love while you can.

This is the life!

What a beautiful fall day!  This is the life…sitting on the porch with my two awesome kiddos, watching my husband mow the yard…the smell of fresh cut grass…the breeze caressing our faces….the smell of autumn is in the air.  I am beyond ready for fall.  I always look forward to the crisp, cool evenings, jeans and sweatshirts, pumpkins, craft shows and apple harvests.  This is the beginning of my favorite time of year!

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